11 March 2008

Tennis Follies

Tiffany's comment in reference to her fear of balls coming near her face from my post yesterday gave me a chuckle. It's funny because there is one situation in tennis that causes me to freeze in my steps and flat out panic and it's when the ball is coming over the fence toward me in a tall arch and it looks like it's heading straight for my face.

I don't know what it is but it's like everything is moving in slow motion and my brain and my feet completely disagree as to what to do. My body is saying "here comes the ball, hit it!", but my brain is like "oh my God, it's coming at me! Run! No, duck! No, run! No, duck!" So anyway, my tutor and I are on one side of the court and another player is on the other side and we're taking turns hitting the ball back and forth and we're in a good rhythm and I'm feeling pretty good, most of my shots are returnable, but then he lobs the ball back at me and everything slows down -- it's like a movie -- and I hear my instructor, who's to the right of me say "Watch it!". Now, by that she means "Tia, it's closer to you than to me, you go ahead and hit it", however ... my brain hears "Watch it!" and translates it to "stand there like an idiot and watch the ball come at me." Long story, short I stood there like an idiot and caught the ball mere inches before it hit me in the face. I look at my instructor and we both start laughing... Good times. LOL! Yeah, well, it was funny to me. I guess you had to be there.

Anyway, weight this morning, 256.8 lbs, down 0.4 lbs. Ok, I'll admit it, I'm shocked I'm losing weight like this. My only hope is that it continues like this for the next six months, but in reality it's probably makeup loss for the past couple of mediocre months. I don't care, I'll take it!



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