14 February 2008

Can I name it?

I told myself I'd wait til 1:00 PM today to call my doctor's office, but ended up calling them at around 9:30. I gave the nurse my info and about an hour and a half later I got a call back from a different doctor (Dr. B). Apparently, my doc (Dr. A) is out of the office today (dangit), but he gave me the low down of what my X-Ray says so far. Apparently, there is an abnormality in/around/by/of the sella turcica and the radiologist has recommended an MRI. The sella turcica is the area of the skull where the pituitary gland is. Dr. B asked why Dr. A had me get the X-Ray in the first place and I told him about my elevated prolactin levels and I gave him the number. He said that it looks like I have a pituitary tumor and he said that odds are, Dr. A will either refer me to an Endocrinologist (yes, I can deal with that) or a Neurosurgeon (uh...no). He also said such things respond well to medication (woo-hoo!). Okay, this is basically what I expected, except that I didn't think I needed to get an MRI which just makes this whole debacle sound a helluva lot more serious, especially when you hear "neurosurgeon" come out of somebody's mouth. Not to mention the fact that I have this fear of not fitting into an MRI although it'll be only of my head.

All of a sudden, I'm not quite so impatient. LOL! Anyway, I'm just going to calmly wait to talk to Dr. A. tomorrow and hear what he recommends I do and grill the heck out of him. I think I will give my tumor (if that is indeed the final DX) a name...I gotta think of something good. If people can name their hernias, I can name my tumor! In the meantime, life goes on. I'm starving and it's time for food....



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be holding good thoughts for ya!!

But doesn't it feel better to put a "name" on the problem? It does for me.

Keep us posted!!



February 14, 2008 at 7:15 PM  
Blogger Aussieabroad said...

Keeping my fingers cross for you. Maybe you can have a naming competition...it may be kinda fun.

Seriously though - you're in my thoughts...I'm still rooting for a simple answer.

Now the upside... you will fit into the MRI machine. I have them regularly - the last one was before surgery and I had to raise my arms above my head in order to be squeezed in like sausage meat into a casing. I can't wait for my next one! Good luck.


February 15, 2008 at 8:52 PM  
Blogger Little Chef On The Prairie said...

Please keep us posted.

February 16, 2008 at 12:36 PM  

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