23 March 2008


The dinner and party Friday night were great. We went to the same place where we had our Christmas party. I had the scallops again (YUM!) and nursed a couple of Diet Cokes while everyone else drank away. Needless to say, I was the designated driver. Turns out the Diet Cokes were a bad idea. I couldn't sleep that night, too wired. It was rough getting up yesterday morning, but I had lots to do. Yesterday was BP's surprise birthday party and I'm exhausted. The plan was for her sister to take her out to get their hair and nails done, then arrive back at her house around 7:00 PM for the big surprise. I was to arrive around 4:00 PM to leisurely help BP's husband and daughter set up for the party, decorate, cook, whatever. Instead I got a frantic call from BP's husband around 3:00 PM telling me to get over there as fast as I could and then I spent the next 4+ hours running around like a crazy person cleaning, decorating, running out to pick up the cake, ice and other last minute stuff. I then spent the whole party playing photographer and making sure that I took good pictures. The best part was that her other daughter flew in from California and surprised her. She was shocked! She cried and cried. It was great, I'm glad she had a good party. Alls I gotta do now is process the photos and get them back to her in a book or something.

I got a couple of interesting comments at the party. One lady flat out didn't recognize me at first, took a couple of seconds and she was like "Omigod!". It was funny. The other one came from a lady I hadn't seen in probably two years, she said "You look different. What's different about you?" At first I was taken aback, but I just said that I lost a lot of weight. She's English so I don't know if in English culture it's poor manners to talk about people's weight or not. Anyway, no big deal. The food at the party was great, there was shrimp and ham and chicken and green beans and more ham and more shrimp and potato chips. I only ate the chips during the decorating frenzy because they were the only things out and I was STARVING. I did try a green olive, but couldn't muster a second.

Oh yeah, Happy Easter, y'all! I'm exhausted, it's late morning and I'm barely getting started. Weight this morning, 255.2 lbs! Woo-hoo! Down 9.2 lbs for the month and 261.4 lbs overall. Just a few short lbs away from Dr. M's goal for me.

To answer Ann's question about tracking food, yes, I track my food. I did it for years way back when I was a hard-core low carber and I did it for the first full year post-op, and now I still do it although, not every single thing every single day, but what usually happens is I track about 3/4 of my food each day so that I can see if for the last 2-3 meals of the day, I need to focus on protein/calories or not. I no longer trust my non-tracking guesstimates anymore because more often than not, my guesstimates come in way low on protein and way high on carbs.

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