18 October 2008

Poking through

Support group Thursday night was good, dinner beforehand was good, all in all a good day. I scored three pairs of pants from support group, two pairs of 12's and a pair of 10's. Obviously I can't wear them now, but by the time spring comes around, I should be good to go. I tried to put on one of the 12's but couldn't get them past my hips. I will try again in a month or so. I have two pairs of size 16's, now these are regular 16's not 16W. I tried on a pair last night and should be able to wear them with confidence in a couple of weeks. Woo-hoo!

Yesterday I had the day off and had plans to get so much done...and I didn't. It was cold and rainy outside so that meant a day of doing nothing. Everyone needs one of those days every now and again. Being a slug rocks.

So, I get out the shower this morning and am putting my favorite body lotion on when I feel a small hard nodule about 1/3 down my DS incision line. I rubbed it again and yep, there is definitely something there that wasn't there before. It feels like something is directly right under my skin. It doesn't hurt at all. The only thing I can think of is perhaps its a stitch from my DS surgery that the tennis ball I took to the stomach Monday night dislodged and is now trying to poke through. It could be that as I'm losing abdominal fat, the stitch is just now more prominent. I'm not sure. My scar line is pretty numb so it's not like there is a lot of sensation that I can feel. I don't know, I will just keep my eye on it.

I don't know if y'all have noticed but I have not been posting my weight lately. I'm very, very focused on reaching my weight loss goals, but I don't want to get too lost in too much number crunching and overanalyzing which I am prone to do. :) I am still weighing every day and tracking my food to keep myself accountable. Another little tactic that has been working for me to help me keep on track is allowing myself either one meal or one 2-hour period a week, usually over the weekend, where I can eat whatever I want. It's a small enough window where it won't throw off my efforts and it's something to look forward to psychologically and plan dinners with friends or any other outing accordingly. This week, I used it up at the restaurant we went to before support group and the awesome thing is that I still registered a loss on the scale the following day! So awesome AND if I don't have occasion to need it, I don't use it.

Today, it is again cold, not so much rainy so I'm going to go do all those errands I said I was going to do yesterday! Have a good one!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Odd little bumps and nodules started appearing on my body, too, at a certain point, and I think Sharon had the same experience. Some seemed incision-related, some not. As you say, just keep an eye on them and the next time you're at a doctor, get him or her to check. So far none of mine have panned out into anything, and they're still there. My new pets.

Also, I'm wanting to drop a little weight (because I'm at the very top of my personally set goal range and will feel more comfortable), and as I was reading your post just now, my mantra for staying focused on that goal (really a very easy one, thanks to the DS) suddenly popped into my mind.

"What would Tia do?"

So, once again, thanks!

October 18, 2008 at 11:13 AM  

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