20 Things for 2007
- Attain a 95% success rate of maintaining my healthy lifestyle.
Consistency is key for me, but I still want to allow myself some breaks for special occasions like my birthday and Christmas. My healthy lifestyle is defined as follows: 120 grams of protein a day, 120 oz of non-carbonated, sugar-free liquid a day, all supplements & vitamins and exercise 5-6 times a week.
Not quite. Somethings I did okay with (protein), others, not so much (exercise). - Buy a new digital SLR camera.
My baby (Sony F717) kicked the bucket a week ago and it's soon time to buy a new one. I need to make a decision on which one I want and make the purchase.
Done! - Buy an old film camera and learn how to use it.
This will help me learn how the technical skills of a photographer instead of always letting my digital camera do all the work.
I did not buy the old camera, but I did make efforts to shoot in manual mode with my new camera. The ultimate goal was to improve my technical skills and I think I did that. - Finish 5 home improvement projects.
For far too long, I've been treating my house like an apartment. It doesn't feel cozy to me just yet. My goal is to complete 5 home improvement projects that will help make my house feel like home. Currently, I thinking about fully decorating the guest room, start on the wall of photos in the family room and hanging some shelves in the master bedroom.
I did 2 projects, my master bathroom and the photo wall. - Complete a 5K walk.
My goal in 2008 is to complete the famed Peachtree Road Race and I need to first take some baby steps in order to get there. The idea is to get my first "race" experience, regardless of how small it is.
Done! I exceeded my goal. I walked the US 10K Classic on Labor Day! - Start weight training.
Self explanatory. I need to, at some point in 2007, start working on maintaining muscle strength.
Not so much. - Complete 3 photo books.
These are mostly family related projects, but I want to put together a couple of books for the siblings I lost in 2006, mostly for their children and grandchildren. Hopefully these can be done before our family reunion.
Not so much. - Attend a football game at my alma mater AND buy and wear "The Shirt".
Probably the thing I am most looking forward to in 2007. I love college football and needless to say, my alma mater is my favorite team. Attending a game is so much fun. "The Shirt" is a fundraising t-shirt the student government sells in order to raise funds for all the student groups. Traditionally all the students and many alumni buy "The Shirt" and wear it to all the football games in order to promote unity. I've never been able to wear "The Shirt" before and I can't wait to.
I'm actually glad I didn't go as my team sucked all season, I pretty much swapped this trip for the Barbados trip. - Fit in an airplane seat AND not use an extension.
I'll be flying as early as June and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be able to comfortably fit in seat and not be totally stressed out by the whole experience.
Done! Three trips this year AND I was able to put the tray table down! AWESOME! - Buy a swimsuit and go swimming.
I LOVE swimming and to be able to feel somewhat comfortable in a suit and swim again would be divine.
I swam in the ocean in Barbados, however it wasn't in a formal swimsuit! - Learn to play 3 new complete songs on my piano.
I miss being musically inclined and want to get back into it.
Not so much. - Learn to play tennis and join a team.
This is to mix up the exercise routine a little bit as well as force myself to be more social. My business partner loves tennis so I know she'll be happy to help me learn.
Pushed to 2008 - Ride a rollercoaster.
How wonderful would it be to fit on the rides?
Pushed to 2008. This was a premature goal for 2007, I don't think I was small enough, but Spring/Summer 2008 should be no problem. - Establish a better relationship with my brother J.
J and I were very close growing up and have since grown apart. I want to re-establish a good relationship with him because I miss him so much.
Done! - Reconnect with my old friends in town.
Since starting a business in 2005, I've all but abandoned my old friends putting the business before them. I totally regret that so I am going to working pretty hard to reconnect with them.
Done! - Start dating again.
I hope to start seeing a cute boy somewhere...somehow.
Pushed to 2008. I think this was premature as well. - Make improvements to the DS Lab Rat site.
I have some ideas about this site and want to implement them to make it even more useful and user-friendly.
Done. - Visit my sister in St. Louis.
I've backed out twice in the past year and I just need to go ahead and make the trip.
Pushed to 2008. We decided to rent a beach house in Destin in 2008 instead. - Join a club/group/organization.
Another thing to force me to be more social.
Done! - Improve my cooking skills.
I'm worried that if I don't try to include more interesting things in my diet then I might get a little apathetic. So I need to experiment with different foods to switch things up. This may entail taking a cooking class or two.
Labels: 20Things2007
Hi, I happened on your blog when I was following links around blogland over the holidays. I'm just an ordinary fatty who's losing it thru other means but I just had to tell you, I think you are brave and inspiring and you write really well. So you go girl! You don't always know how many lives you touch! May you have a truly wonderful 2007. CJ
Awww...thanks CJ! You definitely made my day! I wish you much success on your journey!
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