05 December 2006

Pet Project

So I've just completed the first phase of a little project I've been working on. Anyone who frequents the OH DS boards is very familiar with the Lab Rat Data. If you're not, it was basically a spreadsheet that was painstakingly updated by hand that had all kinds of interesting information about the progress of dozens of DS'ers. Recently the project as it was became too big and a change was in order. I volunteered to build a database driven application and I just now finished it. You can find it here:


I will eventually get a proper domain name for it, but for now this will do.

I'm pretty excited and I think people like it. I know there will be a Phase II for this thing as you can clearly see how problematic it'll become when the number of profiles starts to creep up. In the meantime, feel free to add a profile and peruse others.

Anyway, a confession I've been holding onto for days: I really, really like my walks. I never thought I would, but I honestly do. It's the one thing I really look forward to doing every day. Can you believe it???

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