20 October 2006

Day 4 - Better

Last night, I actually found myself debating whether or not I wanted to go to support group or not. Silly me, what the hell was wrong with me for entertaining such thoughts. I have no idea, actually I do, I was just apprehensive about having to talk about my stall and I wasn't feeling all that great emotionally. Luckily, I got over all that crap and went and once again, I'm so glad I did. It was great and exactly what I needed.

I had a chance to talk with another DS-er, who is 3-4 weeks ahead of me and ironically we both are having stall/plateau issues. I immediately felt better. There were a few pre-ops there and we talked about the surgery itself, the immediate after life and what happens a few weeks out. The biggest thing for me was talking to the nutritionist who always attends and we went over what I was eating, the breakdown - how much protein/fat/carbs/water and I think we pinpointed a couple of areas where I need to make some changes. First, check my sodium intake. I've been depending on some processed foods a little too much, especially the sausages & pickles. So as of today, no more of that. Second, with increased protein, must come increased water. I did not know that, so my goal is to get in 100 oz of water instead of 64-80 oz. Third, exercise. I need to start moving. If I hadn't said it before, let me say it now, I friggin hate exercise. Hate. Bane of my existence, but like Kim (our supprot group leader) said last night, the surgery was the last ditch effort for me and it doesn't make any sense to not take full advantage of it. So my goal is to exercise everyday. Whether it's walking or riding my exercise bike or dancing for 1/2 an hour. I've got to do it and I will. One thing that I think I might want to do is take walks and bring my camera along, I may have to first hop in my car and drive a little bit, but I think it's something that will maintain my interest.

Anyway, since I knew I was putting an end to some of my fave salty foods, I had one last sausage and one last pickle last night:

B - Nectar Roadside Lemonade Protein Drink (46 grams protein)
S - Half of Egg, cheese w/ EC sausage (12.5 grams)
L - Other Half of Egg, cheese w/ EC sausage (12.5 grams)
S - Ham, Cheese & grits (.33 cup) (11 grams)
D - EC Sausage (8 grams)

Totals: 1099 calories, 66g fat, 29g carbs, 88g protein.

Morning Weigh-In: 462.6


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