03 May 2007

Big city, here I come!!!

Remember when, a few months ago, I was trying to decide between two jobs? I decided on the one closer to home, it pays less than the other one and is a smaller company. Well, the people from the other company called me Tuesday and they still want me. Mind you, they've been calling every couple of weeks and I have either ignored the phone calls or gratiously declined. Then something, I don't know what, made me think that maybe I should think about taking that other job. Why? Well, the other job is in the heart of Atlanta, where all the buzz is going on, the pay is fabulous, the only problem is that I live far away and I thought to myself...why do I live out here again? And it finally dawned on me that I am settling and I shouldn't be settling just yet. I'm young, single and have led a somewhat sheltered life. I don't want that anymore. I want to be out there, I want to go to concerts, football games, festivals in the park. I want to take the train to work. I want something more. So within a span of less than 48 hours actually, I've decided to take that other job, sell my house and buy a condo in the city. Drastic and completely unlike me, but that's what so great!

I noticed in the last 8 years, I've progressively been moving further and further away from the city, like I am hiding or secluding myself. Maybe it's some kind of unconscious element of shame or whatever, but I don't feel that way anymore. I wrote in my "My Story" post that I want a live, I want my chance and that reality becomes less of a possibility if I live out here in the boonies. I can't even contemplate calling any of my old friends to go hang out because I'm a good 40 min drive away.

This is all exciting and I've spent an ungodly amount of time looking at condos in the city and I can't tell you how long it's been that I've been this excited about something and this resolute. This afternoon I got the offer paperwork and tomorrow I give my boss my notice. Just like that.

I guarantee you I never, EVER would be doing this had I not had my DS. It's crazy, but this surgery is changing my life more than I imagined.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Well, you know what? You GO for it! I think this is fabulous, and I can just hear the energy and enthusiasm in your writing.

Keep us posted!

May 4, 2007 at 1:05 PM  
Blogger Aussieabroad said...

How freaking exciting! I am thrilled for you - it sounds like this is the right thing to do now. For you.

Congrats - I hope they accept your offer. Post some photos of your new place... and of you !

May 4, 2007 at 1:08 PM  

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