18 June 2007

Day 1 - Food Log

So I am keeping track of my food here in an effort to be more accountable. This morning I weighed in at 339.2. When I got home after work, I weighed 342.4 lbs. Anyway....

M1: Muscle Milk shake before I left home.
M2: Breakfast sausages when I got to work.
M3: Muscle Milk shake later that morning.
M4: Breakfast sausages early lunch.
M5: Grilled fish w/ garlic butter sauce as a late lunch.
M6: Baked chicken & two TB of sweet corn***.

I've so far drank around 90 oz of water and am working on my last 32 oz before I call it a night. The breakfast sausages aren't the greatest thing in the world, bad even, I just needed to have a strong protein day while keeping the carbs low. I went to the grocery store and got some lean turkey, ham and pastrami instead. I will eat that instead of sausage so tomorrow should be much better, quality wise.

*** I read about this online. I ate the sweet corn so that I can see for myself how long it is taking food to get through my system. TMI, I know, but I gotta know.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have only a couple of thoughts, and take them for what they're worth (which may be NOTHING, I hasten to add).

You're possibly THE most dedicated, responsible, successful DSer I've seen, so the only things I'm thinking are, a) I agree with upping the protein and minimizing the carbs; b) but are you sure you're eating ENOUGH food generally? (Just kick me if you are.)

It occurs to me that you might experiment a bit with fats. Carefully. I had really high cholesterol before my DS, so they make me nervous, AND I know we're "supposed to" eat low fat -- BUT I also know that I have to strike a balance between too little and too much in order to keep the, er, crap moving through my system efficiently.

Even at 18 months out, I don't always judge this correctly -- but I also have a very short common channel (50 cm --> Dr. K's approach to severe diabetes) and that makes it tricky. I still haven't exactly figured out what's enough and what's too much.

Anyway, hang in there -- you're amazing. Ultimately temporary stalls happen now and then.

June 18, 2007 at 9:45 PM  
Blogger Tia L. said...

I think you are absolutely right (re: enough food). I have written a couple times before how I do not do well with changes in my routine and the last few weeks have been filled with exactly that. It's easy to let things slide.

Yesterday, I allowed myself to eat at the slightest hint of hunger and even by 9PM last night, I was still hungry. The scale this morning wasn't favorable but there is a difference in how I feel and typically it takes 2-4 days for my body to be convinced that "hey, she isn't starving me." I had almost 2200 calories yesterday, the most I have had in God only knows how long, I'm usually in the 1400-1600 range. I am going to shoot for 2000+ calories for the rest of the week to see how things go. I am keeping my fingers crossed and swinging chickens and all that. I must be making some progress because I just started using the next hole in my belt...

Thanks for all your help and kind words (I don't take compliments very well so I don't say thank you enough, but they are much appreciated!)

June 19, 2007 at 1:11 PM  

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