23 June 2007

I almost died...

...last night. I took Kim's advise and had a few Krispy Kremes and some ice cream last night in the hopes of breaking my stall. I ate around 8:30 PM, by 10:30 I was doubled over with the most horrific gas and bloated abdomen ever. Seriously, I thought my stomach was going to explode and that would be the end of me. I was in tears it was so bad. The next five hours were filled with horrible gas and diarrhea. I will never, EVER, ever, ever, ever do that again ... EVER ... NEVER ...... EVER ... again ... never!

However ... weighed in this morning at 332.6 lbs. Not only did it break my stall, but it cleared out my entire system. In the past 3 days, I've "lost" 9 lbs. My strategy going forth is to have more fiber in my diet, take Colace at night (non-habit forming) and stick to softer higher protein foods and keep things simple.

I'm so exhausted I haven't done much of anything today and don't plan on it, but I am hopeful.

I promise you this: I ain't ever eating ice cream or KK's again. I had NO idea I would have that severe of a reaction.



Blogger Leah said...

You poor thing! I had a beer out of rebellion last night, and I'm still full of gas. Burping AND farting and my tummy is full of air, yet I'm starving... I hope yours clears up soon. ;(

Also, I kept meaning to comment on the poop issues - my PCP recommended Magnesium capsules. I now take 1-2 a day in the am with my vitamin, and I don't have much constipation.

June 24, 2007 at 4:09 AM  
Blogger Aussieabroad said...

Tia - I'm sorry. I couldn't respond last night cause I was laughing so hard. I am so so sympathetic to the side splitting gas, having been there many times before the wonders of Flagyl, but you have a way with words and I could almost see you typing them with such passion. I guess I saw the slapstick humour in it all and I got the giggles. Don't you just love what this DS could do for you...lol. But man, you pooped out 9lbs... that's gotta be worth something right?

I hope you're feeling much better and this was the stall buster that you needed.


June 24, 2007 at 8:17 AM  
Blogger Tia L. said...

In retrospect, after reading it all again, I guess it is kind of funny, but good grief, the whole thing was just unexpectedly excrutiatingly painful. I had NO idea. I figured I'd have the runs, but I was not prepared for the volume of gas.

The worst part was I was exhausted Friday night, so having to get up every 10-15 mins to go poop or fart (as I never trust a fart) til the wee hours of the morning was not fun.

Nights like that just remind me what a powerful thing the DS is.

June 24, 2007 at 2:12 PM  
Blogger Tia L. said...

Leah, thanks! I will try upping my magnesium. The goal is to find the magic combination of food/water/supplements/vitamins that will make my system be more predictable.

June 24, 2007 at 2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey T-

I am SO SORRY I suggested the KK. It worked though. I have heard the increased magnesium depending on your calcium intake. I hate that gas. I also KNOW how exhausting it is after the fact. Maybe next time only one or the other not both!

I made some homemade ice cream tonight. You want to come over for some on Monday?

I am glad you MOVED the system, but I am sorry about the pain.


June 24, 2007 at 10:56 PM  

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