13 November 2007

My Ass Hurts

Warning: Way, way TMI Alert!

Oh. My. God. Usually when I say my ass hurts, it's usually about the decreasing amount of padding in that region, but today is about the much dreaded "H" word ... hemorrhoids. So incredibly painful. I'd felt a little ... "aggravation" down there for the past couple of days, but I just figured it was due to all the wiping from the previous few days, but then Friday through last night, I'd been really constipated and then 'rhoids made their existence known with a vengeance. Thankfully I ran out to the grocery store to get some Preparation H (stuff is expensive, but worth it). My first poop was firm and nearly brought me to tears, the other 10 or so have been liquidy and were initially not as painful, but the last couple were. Ugh. Ugh. I guess I've earned another DS badge. Not too happy about that. I took a long hot shower and then went to bed and it took me about an hour for the pain to subside so that I could fall asleep. All I can hope for is this to get progressively better. Ouch. At least this morning I can sit down like a normal person.

Anyway while I was at the store, I also picked up two packs of turkey drumsticks to be slow cooked at some point this week. Yum. I will probably cook them Wednesday so that I can have plenty over the weekend through to Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is more about the ham for me than turkey. Speaking of, I think I will opt for the baked macaroni & cheese and then make a couple of mama's sweet potato pies.

I weighed in this morning only because I wanted to see what the progress was given all the pooping I did yesterday and the scale said 274.4 lbs. Cool, not bad. I had a few pickles last night...every now and then I just have a craving for them, don't know why so I probably had too much and am retaining water. Oh well, it will resolve itself soon enough.

Well, I have a lunch meeting this afternoon at Chili's so I gotta scope out their menu online to see what I can eat, then I have to try to find something good for my dad for his birthday. He's a tough guy to shop for, but you know dads and their daughters, he'll love anything I get him.

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Blogger Little Chef On The Prairie said...


I hope some relief is in sight for you!!! Poor thing!

I got the bento box at: www.laptoplunches.com

I use the ranch dip to dip my meat and cheese in. You can get the small containers in the produce section at Wal-Mart. It is a DS dream food...it is like 360 calories, 330 calories from fat, and 37 grams of fat! Only 5 carbs per container.

Next summer we can take Six Flags by storm!!!! :)

Congratulations on your continued success. Thank you for writing your blog. Your experiences gave me much hope as a pre-op that I could be successful with this type of surgery.


November 13, 2007 at 9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To continue in the TMI vein, my problem is usually ass-burn from DHR and sometimes 'rhoids. Tucks pads. Yup, you can tuck one up there, and it's soothing.

Prep H and/or plain old witch hazel are probably just as good, though. Glad you have some relief.

Thanks to you, my DH and I are having ham this TG. And if I can find some of that low-carb pasta you mentioned here, I may even make mac & cheese.

November 13, 2007 at 10:42 AM  
Blogger Sharon said...

I'll give my standard ass hurting advice since we all have been there. Make sure you are taking fiber. I take two sugar free chewables a day and my ass has been significantly better. Prep H always good to have around. Witch Hazel and soaking in Epsom salts in a super hot bath when you have a flare helps too.

Good luck!

November 15, 2007 at 7:30 PM  

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