12 November 2007

Poop N' Stuff

TMI time. Is it possible to have diarrhea and constipation at the same time. Saturday was one of those days where I was pretty darn hungry all day. It seemed like 10-15 minutes after eating something, I was ready for more. The after effects are not so good. Lots of liquidy poop, yet I feel like I am constipated, that bloated, icky feeling of the pipes not being fully clean. I didn't poop at all ths morning. That ain't right. Gross, I know, but that's post-op life at times. I got on the scale yesterday morning to see how it was and I weighed in at 275.8 lbs, a total loss of 240.8 lbs, exactly 25.8 lbs from Dr. M's goal, 76 lbs from my personal goal (holy crap), but only 2.2 lbs for the month so far. Meh. I know the big C has a lot to do with that, so I won't bother getting upset about it. I know I have 2/3 of a month to go so we'll just see. I'm going to wait til Thanksgiving to weigh again.

I went over to BP's house yesterday to catch up on business stuff and to eat dinner as well. Dinner was okay, her husband, the chef, didn't cook, she did. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed. Basically she made a pot roast soup/stew with a too lean pot roast and potatoes, onions and carrots. I must admit to have a few small potatoes and plenty of pot roast. I don't like carrots so I didn't have any of them, but the onions were great. She cut them in half and after cooking for several hours they were kinda mushy, but tasted good with the pot roast together. Yum. Rare is the day I turn down free food, especially free food I don't have to cook.

Support Group is a few days away and I can't wait. I am so excited for it, I hate it when I miss it. In fact, I think there is an additional support group meeting this Tuesday, I may go to just to make up for last month when I was in Barbados.

I have been pretty lame lately about receiving compliments. Part me of really likes to hear them, but mostly I instantly feel embarrassed by the attention. I'm sort of in a weird spot. There are a few people in my day to day life who ask me at least a few times a month how much weight I have lost. I've been forthcoming with the number, but I guess I'm starting to feel uncomfortable saying it because it's like indirectly admitting how fat I was. People can start doing the math in their heads the smaller I get. It's even more embarrassing when people ask what size I wear now, mind you, only women ever ask me that. BP is good for doing that. She did that yesterday. Grrrr.

Today is Veteran's Day, in the U.S., so much love and respect to all the veterans out there and to all our service men and women. Much, much love goes out to my dad (25 years) and my sister (25 years) who both retired from the Army and my two brothers (15 years total) who served in the Navy. I am especially proud of my dad, he fought in the Korean War -- and was injured -- and served two tours in Vietnam. Love ya Dad!

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