26 December 2007


Yesterday afternoon, just before we hit the lazy part of the day, I helped a friend organize a couple of closets and helped move several storage boxes from the 2nd floor down to the basement. I think I made 5 or 6 trips and wasn't winded at all, my friend was. This morning, I definitely felt a little tightness in my back. Also my right wrist hurts a little bit. Lately, since I've got bony elbows now, I'm constantly hitting a nerve somewhere in my elbow because when I'm working every now and then a weird sensation runs down my arm from my elbow to my fingers. Very annoying, I may need to revisit my desk & chair heights, they haven't changed at all since surgery and they probably should.

I always worry when I have more carbs than usual what the effect will be on my innards, so far today, just lots of gas, again, I am anticipating some mediocre weight loss days ahead as the cheese finds it's way to the promised land, not to mention the potatoes and crepes and mousse.

I had this weird moment this weekend when I was standing in front of a large mirror after I had taken a shower. The lighting was different than my bathroom and it was like I was looking at myself for the first time in a long time. I spent a good 2-3 minutes looking over my body and just had a fleeting moment or two where I actually thought "who is this?" It wasn't a bad thing, it was just a moment of whoa, for lack of a better term. I was standing to the size, my arms were up, my chest in, shoulders forward and I was struck by the contour of my arms, back, etc. It was like I was seeing myself in another person's body. It's amazing how your body changes when you don't stop to see the whole picture. What I have noticed lately is that I can feel my rib bones on my back. My jaw line is more prominent, my hips are bonier. On the flipside, where most of my body is flabby, the back of my thighs still have thick layers of fat, really the only parts of my body that do. Honestly, it looks a little deformed, but although it doesn't look like it, I know my thighs continue to shrink. I remember when I first tried on the jeans I am currently wearing. I bought them a size smaller knowing that I'd get to wear that size sooner or later. I remember them being so tight, I could barely sit down comfortably and didn't even dare trying to cross my legs. Now, I only have a few more weeks to wear them as they are already too big, but you know how I like to wear things past the time I should get rid of them.

The DS still amazes after all this time and I'm sure it will continue to amaze for a good while.

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Blogger Little Chef On The Prairie said...


Your comments about the mirror are very familiar to me. I have so many of the same thoughts and emotions.

Congratulations on getting back down from your water weight. I know that had to be frustrating.

Glad you had a good holiday!


December 27, 2007 at 11:49 PM  

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