18 February 2007


To help alleviate some of the abject panic that has overcome my business partner in the last couple of days, I've got a new toy, the Palm Treo 700wx. So pretty. Anyway, I thought BP was going to cry or something. I think she is genuinely concerned that this is a first step in me walking away from the company (her) and moving on with my life. This is not true. I've put a lot of blood, sweat and tears (literally) in the company and there is no way I'm walking away. What I am doing is giving myself a break from it all (her) and just re-entering the world of the living, as I like to call it.

I talked to two of my best friends about the whole situation and so far I've been given three predictions:

1. She will, at some point, make the claim that I am not doing as much work as I promised I would do (10-15 hrs a week).
2. Constantly call/email/IM me.
3. Have some kind of emotional breakdown designed to guilt/manipulate me into coming back.

I'm betting on #1 and #2, I'll be really pissed if #3 comes true. Anyway, tomorrow is the big day and I'm excited. I got my last few things taken care of, I even have my meals planned. I hope all goes well. I'll have to make a decision about my hair in the next couple of weeks. I don't necessarily want to cut it, but if I have to, I will.

The scale read 389.0 lbs this morning. I bought myself a full length mirror and spent a good hour looking at myself in various outfits, mostly clothes I've had and worn for years. I can't wait to see how I look tomorrow in all my new going-to-work gear. Should be interesting. Yeah well, my stomach feels like it's eating itself I'm so hungry!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new toy (I just bought a Cingular 8525 a couple of weeks ago and was similarly thrilled -- it was either that or the Treo for me, and my office mate LOVES her Treo).

Congratulations on the new job, too, and the closet-shopping.

February 18, 2007 at 9:09 PM  
Blogger Elisabeth said...

Congrats on everything. Your new toy, your job, your physical progress, everything.

For myself, I found that as I lost weight and became physically stronger, I became mentally and emotionally stronger too. And that means that I stopped accepting some of the, er, crap that others were accustomed to handing me.

The same may happen for you, and it may affect your relationship with BP. But the important thing is to keep doing what you're doing: taking care of yourself.

You have the right and the responsibility to take care of yourself before attending to BP. Even if BP pulls a #3. (Like the airplane safety videos: put on your oxygen mask before assisting others.)

February 20, 2007 at 9:53 AM  

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