08 February 2007

Fixing things.

The more and more I think about it, the more I think that my issues are probably a protein malnutrition one and that it's related to a bad batch of protein powder. It's the only thing that is different from my normal routine. I suspected protein malnutrition but it may turn out that I was right, but for a completely different reason. I went out to a couple of places to find my Nectar and they didn't carry it so I just ordered it online. It's Thursday, so at the earliest, I'll receive it Monday. I did stop by my local Kroger and picked up some Atkins shakes in a can to hold me over. They worked for me in the past so we'll see how the weekend goes. I am going to aim for 1600 calories and 120-160 grams of protein a day. That should be good.

I've been on this kick lately where I've been unhappy with the decor in my house. I bought my house over two years ago and sometimes it feels like I'm still living in an apartment. For some reason, I haven't fully unpacked and haven't fully decorated. I decided that one of my goals was to work on making my house a home so I went to Target! I bought these wonderful kitchen towels in warm red tones. Previously, everything in my house was blue and light green, but I'm now tending toward warmer colors. BP's house is very cozy like that. All the walls are painted beautiful colors and her furniture and decor is very homey. I aspire to do the same. One of the things I am most looking forward to with the new job is to afford some new furnishings. In the past two years, I've slowly worked on getting a few good pieces (as advised by my mom) but I still have some of the crap furniture from my first-job-out-of-college days. The only other major purchase I want to make is this:

If I have one true passion in life (besides friends, family, my health and my alma mater) it is photography. It is my favorite thing to do, without question, so I am anxious to make that purchase. Now that's the kind of shopping I can get into!

Anyway, if you want to bore yourself with my photography, here you go.

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