29 January 2007


Geez. It's frickin' freezing outside. Not good walking weather. I thought I was going to die. Okay, totally melodramatic, but still. I can't wait for warmer weather. The only good thing about walking in cold weather is that is makes you want to walk that much faster. I'm still feeling a little hip pain, but not nearly as much. I've been trying to not overexert myself and do a little stretching beforehand. It only hurts when I'm bringing my leg forward during the period of time where my leg is in the air during the transition. I think as long as I am careful, I should be fine.

I have to admit to being not much of an eater the last several days or it could be my perception. Not sure. I've been doing a bit of research in trying to figure out what I should do nutrition wise and how many calories/grams of protein I should be aiming for. I think I've settled on over 1800 calories, 130-150 grams of protein. I'm going to try to keep my protein shakes to one a day, if that. In order to get the calories, without having to eat a lot of protein means I am going to have to increase the amount of fat I eat. Say I eat 140 grams of protein, 20 grams of carbs, that's about 640 calories, subtract from 1800 gives me 1160 calories in fat which translates to about 128 grams of fat a day. In thinking on how to accomplish that I'm thinking butter, olive oil, fattier meats, etc. Eating six times a day is a pain so I am aiming for 4 times a day excluding the morning protein shake. Anyway, today is the first day of this plan so we'll see how it goes.

Two weeks ago I poked a hole in my belt cause it had gotten too big. Well now I gotta poke another hole soon. In those two weeks, the scale has been (frustratingly) steady around 397 lbs, but I'm still shrinking so I won't panic yet. ;) I've been wearing one of those LIVE STRONG type wristbands on my left wrist and another shoestring based thing around my other wrist and it fascinates me to no end to see how when I raise my arm they keep falling lower and lower. My arm looks *exactly* the same but I can't deny the fact that both bracelets are looser and looser. Craziness. I am also noticing more and more loose skin in my arms and legs. It's hard to articulate just how trippy all of this is. Last night in bed I'm laying on my side starting to doze off when I notice that my knees are actually touching! I mean like I can feel the bone to bone contact. So. freaking. cool.

Tomorrow is my 5 month anniversary and I'm pretty happy. Unless a miracle happens and I drop 10 lbs tomorrow, I'll have lost a total of 120 lbs so far. Woo-hoo! I've had my share of issues, but I'm happy with my progress so far. It's funny, just when you think you've got this whole thing nailed, you find out you totally don't. I'm still a newbie and I have a lot to learn still, but this journey so far has been amazing. I gotta get all dolled up tomorrow so I will try to get a couple of progress photos done tomorrow! Woo-hoo!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooh, I totally get the bracelet-on-the-arm thing. I wear a metal-link watch which, when I lost some weight with Weight Watchers many years ago, I had links removed from. Then I gained back, past the point where the watch, even with the links, would fit.

It now hangs on my wrist like a bangle bracelet, but I'm not getting it sized again -- too superstitious. Let it dangle!

The knee-bones-touching thing is weird, too, isn't it?! And yes, things change from month to month -- that's still true for me at 3+ months out, even though things have slowed down for me. I really think the DS requires YEARS (a lifetime) of management -- but that's okay because it's given me back my life, too.

You're a constant inspiration to me in terms of exercise -- and your weight loss is phenomenal!

January 31, 2007 at 6:11 PM  

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