22 July 2007

"...the unbeautiful, boring shite..."

Definitely one of the best descriptions of how I feel about this weight loss journey I am on:
It's all about the small. Which I hate, frankly. I'm a gal of the big gesture, the one-call-that-does-it-all. And life is so not like that. It's about those "small, stupidly repetitive steps". Like not drinking milk, hopethinking that the lactose sensitivity has worn off. Like not putting off writing on a daily basis when the stove is really, really, really grotty. Like not screwing up the swimming days, begging off on a Thursday cos you think it's the deep-water which stresses the hernia. It's all about the unbeautiful, boring shite that you have to go through to get where you are going. The real trick is to try and find something enjoyable about the small steps. But even if you can't, not finding fun isn't reason enough to not take them.
-- *S*, Less Flab, More Fab

Amen, sister...amen! Sometimes the big stuff is easier to manage -- the surgery, the recovery, the initial quick/fast weight loss, the big wows. I am absolutely convinced that success is built upon all those small things -- things that in and of themselves might seem minor, but are vital parts of a big picture.



Blogger Aussieabroad said...

True but it's the small steps that we tend not to be good at right? That's one of the reasons that I could never stick to a 'diet' for the long haul. It was simply too long and I couldn't look at it as one small step at a time.

The beauty of the DS is that although we still struggle with the small steps we have a safety net that will soften the blow of our screw ups. It makes it easier to get back with the program.

My hope, that while I'm succeeding in spite of myself I will learn how to take the small steps. This is what I see as the key to long term success.

Thanks for sharing this Tia.

July 23, 2007 at 9:16 AM  
Blogger Tia L. said...

You are absolutely right, Ann. My biggest problem is not any one small daily step or even 2 or 3, it's doing them all consistently. I'm pretty good about doing 8 out of 10 and one of the best things about the DS is that it has freed me from the burden of feeling like I have to be perfect in order to succeed. It's good for my body and my soul!

July 23, 2007 at 9:53 AM  

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