15 August 2007


I am going to be having a heckuva few days. My business partner and her husband are going to be a royal mess. He has a daughter with his crazy ex-wife and has had the child for the past several weeks. She is due back to her mom, in another country, Friday and they are both wrecks. The baby is unfortunately caught up in the middle of this hellish nightmare and the mother, as far as I can tell, is not making any of this easy. I don't pretend to think that this whole situation is easy on anybody, but I just don't understand why the mother is making all this so much worse, part of the problem has to deal with how her marriage fell apart and the role BP had in it all. Needless to say, I try to stay out of it, but I don't think the child, who is absolutely wonderful and an absolute delight, by the way, should suffer. BP and husband have spent most of the past couple of days in tears as they don't want the child to leave and go back to the mother as the mother has made it her mission in life to say horrible things about the child's father and BP to the child. What kind of person does that? When my mom's first husband left her, she never said a bad word against him figuring that the kids would find out on their own in due time what kind of man their father was and they did. She didn't need to say anything. It's just f-ed up. This weekend I am due in Savannah and it looks like they, sans baby, are going to drive down with me and they will spend a few days to themselves while I hang out with my Marchesini siblings, then we'll drive back to Atlanta. God, I just feel bad and I just know they are going to be messes so I just have to mentally prepare for being a good friend to them. Regardless of anything else, I know they love that kid and will miss her until she comes back to the country which could be God knows when. It's just sad all around.



Blogger Aussieabroad said...

It's so hard when families are split in so many different ways. The sad thing is that it never gets easier. The issues just change over time. You're a good friend Tia... all you need to do is be there for them. Saying goodbye will be so hard for them.

Have fun with your switch buddies... you deserve to show off that 200+ weightloss

August 16, 2007 at 12:18 PM  

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