05 January 2007

The coolest thing

I just happened to come across this kick ass website called GMaps Pedometer that calculates the distance you walk/exercise assuming you're outside and covering some distance. Currently I have been depending on my pedometer to tell me how far I've been walking and with the route I've been taking lately, it says I've been walking around 1.33 miles. Well, I double checked on this site and it says my route is actually a tad over 1.5 miles. Awesome!

First I walk this path starting at the red flag then. It's just under a mile, then I do this last outside loop and it's just over .5 miles. I dig this so much. It gives me a good idea of how I can scale my exercise from now on. Through Sunday I am going to keep my same route but Monday I am kicking it up a notch and am going to try to complete that first route twice. That'll be roughly a 2 mile walk. Geez. Who would have thunk it?



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