06 January 2008

Beautiful day

65 °, most cloudy. Uh, yeah, as soon as I saw that, I was out the door to the park. I just got home after a good 2-mile walk (41 mins). It is absolutely beautiful outside so what an incredible waste it would have been if I didn't soak it up while I could. Less than a week ago, it was like 25 ° and I was miserable, but not today. Thank you, Mother Nature, sometimes you rock!

I found a new park! Yes, I am pretty bad about knowing my surroundings, but I saw a sign for this park so I decided to check it out and I think it is where I will do my training. The park I currently walk out is very family oriented meaning you spend a good bit of your time dodging kids on their bikes and rollerblades. This park is more trail-like so I only saw runners and walkers. Cool, plus it's actually closer to my house than the other one. I have to GMaps Pedometer it to really get a lay of the land and to see what 1-, 2- and 3-miles look like.

Anyway, I'm starving, yet again, time for food!



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