18 January 2008


Support Group last night was great, of course. The legendary Dr. Dennis Smith was there and he spoke about the issues with medications, supplements and vitamins pre- and post-op. It was very informative and I was impressed with his knowledge about the complications and issues that arise when you have weight loss surgery and take a myriad of drugs. Good Stuff. Dr. Smith said he was impressed with the weight loss of our group, at the beginning of meeting, we all introduce ourselves, tell what kind of surgery we have, will be having or are considering and if we've lost weight, how much. It was great all around. I love my support group, it rocks. I can see myself going there for a good long while.

Weight this morning: 269.8 lbs. Not. Happy. Especially since I had a good eating day yesterday, I swear, I don't get it. I was all ready to come on here and rant and rave and bitch and moan about the injustice and unfairness of it all, about how if you take out the 16 lb water weight gain/loss, I've only lost 5 lbs in 2 months, on and on and on, but I had to go pee and out the corner of my eye, I see this pair of size 20 jeans that a friend had given me this past summer. So I go tinkle, all the while thinking of stuff to whine about, and then I go get these jeans and try them on, a few weeks ago, I could get them on, but could not fasten nor zip them up, today I could and about 90% of my anger/frustration dissipated. HOLY CRAP!!!! I WEAR A SIZE 20!!!! It blows my mind. Me? A size 20? What the hell?!?

I don't think I can take the drama... I certainly don't understand why the scale tells me one thing about how well I am doing and then stuff like this and people's comments tell me another. I must still be retaining a good bit of water or something else is going on so it's time to book appointments with my PCP, the hematologist and the girly-bits doc (Gynecologist) to make sure all is okay. I'm trying really hard to trust my DS, obviously something is working, but maybe something else is going on as well. Time to make sure all is well.

I did do something that I am quite proud of. At support group last night, I relinquished my two old scales that were with me during my 500+ lb days. Ta-ta! Buh-bye! They are now with new owners. Yep, I can't lie and say there wasn't a bit of sentimentality involved, but I just don't need them anymore and we all know, one scale is enough to drive me crazy, don't need three!

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