I've had an interesting couple of weeks. My business partner and I are having issues, not entirely surprising but hopefully they seemed to be resolved for now. It's been a long journey with this person and is somewhat disappointing in how some things turned out, but I do think we're on the right track.
I've been having weird poop issues. I must be the only DSer that gets constipated, so very annoying. I had the problem pre-op but I figured with all the new wiring I didn't need to worry about it. How wrong I was/am. In the morning, I would wake up with a distended belly, almost like I had eaten a full meal. Even after my morning poop, I didn't feel that empty feeling. The deal is that I often feel clogged up and it's not entirely painful, just uncomfortable. Well, I should say there have been times when it almost felt like my intestines were sore, if that makes sense. I know, I know that sounds weird, but that's the best way I can describe it. I not sure what the culprit is, but I think it's a function of what I am eating. Like most DSers, for me, it's all about the protein.
For the past few weeks I have been averaging anywhere between 120-140 grams of protein. That's a lot and I think I have going about it wrong. I think I was eating too much in one sitting. Even though I was taking my time sometimes up to 45 mins to eat, I think it was too much in one sitting. I think I need to and maybe bring my protein down to the 80-100 grams a day level. I think all that protein was too much bulk going through my system and causing me problems.
Last night I got fed up and took some MoM and spent most of the day clearing the duct work. Not fun, but I feel better. I've been thinking of ways to maintain good plumbing. I'm eating at least one Low Carb tortilla every day as they are mostly (70-80%) fiber and I try to get in plenty of fat (which is easy to do) and a small portion of a veggy now and again. I am finishing off the last of the pot roast I made some time ago so maybe the beef is problematic and now that I think about it, I have been eating a ton of cheese so maybe backing off of that will help.
One other thing, I had been pretty lax about my wonderful binder. It's freakin aggravating and I just didn't feel like I needed to wear it when I was just hanging out or working at home so I haven't been diligent about wearing it. What I am aware of today, is how much it was working to help control how fast I was eating/drinking. It definitely slowed me down and I think as soon as I started to ditch it, I started to have more problems, so today, I've been wearing it almost non-stop and I can immediately see the difference in how much, how fast I've eaten/drank today and how much better I feel.
Anyway, I'm currently working on my dinner right now and will probably be finished in a good 15 mins, then it's my next to last vitamins for the day and I'll be sipping water til I fall asleep. Man, I was hoping I'd be cruising at this stage of the game, but I guess it's a good thing to evaluate what I am doing and what my progress is. Mind you, all of this is prompted by a slow moving scales. Yes, I know I said I was gonna put it away, but I can't just yet, I can't. I don't feel comfortable doing it until I feel comfortable that I have a solid handle on my eating & exercise.
Yeah, well. The scale now reads 444.2, so I am happy with that, but after the day I've had, I won't be surprised to see it much lower tomorrow. Besides that, water is good (80-120 oz a day), I'm taking my vitamins, exercise is a work in progress though, BUT I did do 25 mins on the bike this morning and I'm thinking about taking a drive to the local park (5 mins away) and walk the jogging path. We'll see.